Module 2 Add a secrets scanning stage

Time: 10 minutes

Next, you need to setup a stage for identifying secrets throughout your code. For this stage you'll be leveraging trufflehog, a popular open source project for finding secrets accidentally committed in repositories. It essentially searches through git repositories for secrets, digging deep into commit history and branches. It identifies secrets by running entropy checks as well as high signal regex checks.

Create the Build Spec file

  1. Click on your Cloud9 IDE tab.

  2. In the left file tree, expand the configurations folder and open buildspec_secrets.yml.

  3. Review the YAML code below, paste it in the file, and save.

version: 0.2

    - echo Setting CodeCommit Credentials
    - git config --global credential.helper '!aws codecommit credential-helper $@'
    - git config --global credential.UseHttpPath true
    - echo Copying secrets_config.json to the application directory
    - cp secrets_config.json $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_AppSource/secrets_config.json
    - echo Switching to the application directory
    - echo Installing pip and truffleHog
    - curl -o 
    - python 
    - pip install truffleHog
    - echo Build started on `date`
    - echo Scanning with truffleHog...          
    - trufflehog --regex --rules secrets_config.json --entropy=False "$APP_REPO_URL" 
    - echo Build completed on `date`

Add the trufflehog regex configuration

When using trufflehog you can optionally specify a configuration file that contains custom regex checks.

  1. In the left file tree, expand the configurations folder and open secrets_config.json.

  2. Paste the JSON below and save the file.

    "Slack Token": "(xox[p|b|o|a]-[0-9]{12}-[0-9]{12}-[0-9]{12}-[a-z0-9]{32})",
    "RSA private key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "SSH (OPENSSH) private key": "-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "SSH (DSA) private key": "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "SSH (EC) private key": "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----",
    "PGP private key block": "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----",
    "Facebook Oauth": "[f|F][a|A][c|C][e|E][b|B][o|O][o|O][k|K].*['|\"][0-9a-f]{32}['|\"]",
    "Twitter Oauth": "[t|T][w|W][i|I][t|T][t|T][e|E][r|R].*['|\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{35,44}['|\"]",
    "GitHub": "[g|G][i|I][t|T][h|H][u|U][b|B].*['|\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{35,40}['|\"]",
    "Google Oauth": "(\"client_secret\":\"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{24}\")",
    "AWS API Key": "AKIA[0-9A-Z]{16}",
    "Heroku API Key": "[h|H][e|E][r|R][o|O][k|K][u|U].*[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}",
    "Generic Secret": "[s|S][e|E][c|C][r|R][e|E][t|T].*['|\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{32,45}['|\"]",
    "Generic API Key": "[a|A][p|P][i|I][_]?[k|K][e|E][y|Y].*['|\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{32,45}['|\"]",
    "Slack Webhook": "[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}/B[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}/[a-zA-Z0-9_]{24}",
    "Google (GCP) Service-account": "\"type\": \"service_account\"",
    "Twilio API Key": "SK[a-z0-9]{32}",
    "Password in URL": "[a-zA-Z]{3,10}://[^/\\s:@]{3,20}:[^/\\s:@]{3,20}@.{1,100}[\"'\\s]"

Pipeline Architecture

Below is the current architecture of your pipeline.


After you have successfully configured the secrets scanning stage, you can proceed to the next module.